Friday morning Gail an I took our first striper trip of the season. We left early with 50 yards of visibility and made our way out. The first stop was empty of fish so we decided to move on. The next stop was holding a good amount of bass. We each had a handful and decided to move on for some fluke. We tried different places and could only manage to get fish less than keeper size. We will give it another go next week.
I love foggy mornings

A great day on the water
Wednesday morning brought old friend and long time angler Dr. Jim back for his second trip of the season. We headed out early and it took Jim about ten minutes to hook the first of a bunch of stripers. We had a steady pick of fish all morning. I had mentioned to Jim that I hadn’t caught a bass yet this year. So when he was resting his casting arm he gave me the rod and even the guide caught a few fish. Pretty fun day on the water.
A great day on the water
We are back and fishing. Reports to follow.
We are back

This has been a frustrating off season. The boat went into the shop to have the fuel tank removed and a new one fabricated. That part went well but while doing the install they found damage to the transom. It was severe enough that a good part had to be replaced. We were able to launch in mid June and everything held up just fine. The first two trips were Pretty much identical. Dr. Jim was first followed b\y Dr. Jeff. We had nothing but blue sky on both trips. The guys managed a handful of bass on each trip but they had to work hard to get them to eat a fly. The next trip brought John across the country to fish with his father. We left the dock with 100 yards of visibility testing out the new radar. The original lasted twenty years so we have no complaints. We got to where we needed to be and soon the guys doubled up. It was pretty consistent all day and we finished just like they started with a double and little visibility. My posts so far this year haven’t been very helpful. The company that takes care of these things decided to change the whole format to make the posts the same as they have been for the last twenty years. Don’t expect to be able to call them for help. I think that I have finally figured out how to do this. If you can read it I did well. Stay tuned.
Winter Update
A lot of my anglers ask me when I started fishing. The first fish photo was when I was about 20 months old with a nice blackfish. I can’t say for sure that I caught it but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did. The next was when I was about 30 months old with my first boat. You can’t see a rod but I was probably trolling for stripers.
I have started tying up some new flies for this year. I fully expect the bass to come back in good numbers and pretty close to keeper size. The boat is at the Marina having a new fuel tank installed and that should be done in the next couple of weeks. I’m probably going to launch it a little sooner than normal this year. I had to raise my prices a bit this year. I didn’t want to but I had to. Now all four guides at my dock are charging the same. Just so you know this year I already have days booked for albies. I know that a lot of you want to wait to see what is going on before you book but I don’t want to see you miss out by waiting. Stay well and I’ll keep you posted.
That’s a wrap
We pulled the boat this morning and put 2020 to bed. The good news was there were a lot of stripers around and they gained a couple pounds and added a couple inches. The blues were pretty much non existent and the bonito as well. The albies showed up and then got blown out by a series of storms. Tons of shad were here as well as three different species of mackerel. Made a lot of new friends this season as well as getting to spend some time with old friends and that was pretty good. Stay well over the winter and we hope to see you in the spring.
The run has begun
What do you do on a cloudy day in the fall with no wind, rain or fog? We left the dock before the sun came up and were greeted by hundreds of birds getting their breakfast. We fished for five hours and it was pretty much non stop all morning. Huge schools of bass and shad chasing anchovies. There were blues and mackerel mixed in also. Only a couple of other boats out there. I had a great nap when we got home.
What a difference the weather makes
This morning Ryan & Mike came out with their dad Peter in hopes of finding the invisible albies. The winds switched to the east and were blowing pretty steady. Add that to the big heave from the hurricane off Virginia and that took away most of our options on where to fish. We put a lot of miles on the boat with minimal results. We did our best but it wasn’t to be. No skunk but a lot of effort was put forth. We did see massive schools of adult and peanut bunker heading west with nothing pushing them.