Best day yet

Today Gail and I decided to fish the outgoing tide which started around the crack of 10:30 AM. She made two casts and landed two fish. It took me a little bit longer but I got there. We spent most of the tide in two spots and had fish the whole time. We even got […]

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Fly time

This morning Gail and I took a quick trip to catch the tide. The first stop was barren so we moved on. Spot number two was more productive. We had had a couple of fish take our squid flies and shortly after that the sand eels came through. We switched to smaller stuff and picked […]

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Throwing lead

Gail and I took our first trip of the year this afternoon. Since this was a scouting trip we were using spin rods with the old reliable bucktail. The first spot looked promising but we came up empty. The next one had a few fish showing so we stopped and we each put a couple […]

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Back in Business

We just got word today that Connecticut will let us begin charters starting tomorrow. We are expecting R.I. and NY. to do the same shortly. The reports that I have received are that there are quite a few bass in the rivers and along the coast. These guys put on a few pounds from last […]

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Another rainy day

Usually about this time of year I write about my recent salmon fishing trip. However for the first time in 15 years we were cancelled because the border is closed. We still can’t do charters but I think that will change by the 1st of June. I’m going through my fly boxes to see what […]

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Happy Spring

We made it through the winter in pretty good shape so far. The docks are being put in and we should get the boat in pretty soon. That’s the good news. From what I understand with the virus issues the Marina will be open and we can fish. The bad news is that we can’t […]

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That’s a Wrap.

All good things must come to an end . It was time to call it a season. Thanks to all my old anglers and to my new friends. I hope to share some time in the boat next year. The spring run never got started the way it should have. When the squid finally arrived […]

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Still catching

Friday morning brought Bob out of the deep woods of Patchaug. we left the dock at dawn and were catching bass for the next three hours or so. We had to do a little traveling but we found them and they were eating flies. A good time with an old friend. Saturday Gail and I […]

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It Ain’t Over Yet

This morning an old friend brought Hope and Justin all the way from Colorado to catch some stripers. I think that it took Justin two casts to get the first one to the boat. We found quite a few schools of bass that were spread out and eating bay anchovies. This was as close to […]

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The calm after the storm

We waited until yesterday to venture out to see what was left after the three day nor’easter. We found a sailboat on top of one of the Stonington Breakwaters another very large boat on it side up in the marsh and rocks. Along with several that had broken loose and were stranded on different shores. […]

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