Just like the old days only better

Gail and I left the dock at the crack of 930 this morning to check on conditions after last weeks storm. I wasn’t expecting lock an load catching but I thought that I could find a few fish. On our way out I spotted some birds and then saw some splashes beneath them. Our first […]

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Back at it

< This morning I had the pleasure of spending it with Matt & Amanda who made the short but dangerous drive all the way from Mystic. Matt has fished before but Amanda has not. The first two stops were empty so we went in search of the now elusive stripers. We switched lures and shortly […]

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Holy Mackeral

We haven’t fished for bass in almost a month so we decided to take a ride today. We arriver at the crack of nine to get started. In my time ashore I made a bunch of swimming plugs that I wanted to try. A slot sized bass inhaled one on my second cast. We tried […]

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We are still floating

I know that its been a while since I have posted anything but I have a good reason. Its been really foggy for the past two weeks or so and I had a heat pump installed on our pool. Its hard to beat 83 degree water. We have bee fluke fishing the past few trips […]

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Another good day

This morning long time friend and angler Gary brought Scott up for his first trip with us. We left the dock fairly early to catch the whole tide. The first two stops produced nothing on an almost dead tide. The third stop brought a brown and silver scup and a striper. By then the tide […]

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Foggy day on the briney

Today Micah brought his son Huckleberry all the way from California to catch some east coast stripers. On the way through New York they picked up Pancho to join in the Quest. We left the dock with a mile of visibility and when we got out a mile it dropped to 50 yards. We poked […]

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Fathers Day

Today Henry brought his other son Henry Jr. out for a mid day trip. Jr. nailed a bluefish within the first ten minutes. He also caught a nice sized striper in the last ten minutes of the trip. Both father and son worker real hard today but the fish were not in an eating mood. […]

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Another adventure

This morning brought Dwight and his Dad David over to spend the day on the boat. We left the dock fairly early to fish both sides of the tide. We arrived at the first spot along with the fog. It took some work but we managed a hand full of bass and the first blue […]

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Off to a good start

Sunday brought Henry and his son Charley up the short but still dangerous drive up Rt. 95 for my first trip of the year. We left the dock with bright blue sky and high pressure sitting on top of us. Nice for a boat ride but not so good for fishing. Henry struck first with […]

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A little bit of everything

For our past two trips Gail and I decided to do some bottom fishing. Its been fairly decent with fluke up to six lbs. With them we added sea robins, sea bass, stripers, sand sharks, scup and skates. The tides are going to be good for bass this week so that’s going to be our […]

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