Looking good

We have had a few pretty good days lately. Lots of bass around. Today we took a long ride to find bass to 14 lbs and blues to 10. The albies were pretty fussy though. The weather is going to be the determining factor where we will be fishing.

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I hate computers

the site has been down for the last month so that’s why there have been no new reports. If you can read this than it’s fixed. We had a group of people all the way from Michigan come out to fish with the three of us. That was a lot of fun and they already […]

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We are still here

Its been an unusual season this year. The albies showed early and then the storm drove them out. The huge amount of bait moved into the coves and rivers. The weather and lack of fish has caused me to postpone several trips lately. The water temps are slowly starting to drop and that should get […]

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Yesterday and today

Monday Gail and I took a ride out to see what was new in t6he Sound. We found a bunch of bass and some albie scouts were arriving. The albies were just running around having fun and not really interested in playing. We did well with the bass and left with sopre backs. Today brought […]

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Pretty good day off

I had today off so Gail and I got up in time to catch the start of the ebb tide. The first stop had more boats than fish. I think that everyone took this week off. A timely call from another guide had us on the move. This place had a few less boats and […]

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Today Jim brought Win out for his first shot at bass on a fly rod. We hit the first spot and had breaking fish with no takers. We moved to another place and set up to stem. About that time Gail called and a lot of you know what that means. Win hooked up while […]

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Just when you think that you have it figured out.

Friday brought Mark and his son Clayton out all the way from Idaho to have some striper fun. We left the dock before the sun came up and headed out. The day before was too stormy to fish so I spent the day tying more flies that worked so well on Wednesday. We made our […]

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Wednesday brought Jim back up Rt. 95 for another shot at some stripers. Its been a while because of the pandemic but its always a fun day with Jim on the boat. We were using flies so I went to work tying up some new ones to try to match the bait. It actually would […]

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It continues

Had an issue with the tilt and trim motor on the boat so I took it to my mechanic for a cure. He had me in and out in a few days complete with a new trim motor and pump. Just in time for Henry who brought brother Bill along with Fred and Charlotte. They […]

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Working Hard

Wednesday Henry brought Charlie and David out for another adventure on the Sound. David struck first with a small schoolie. We tried a lot of spots and some more than once. We had a bit of a pick until the tide changed. With that there was not much improvement. Around 11:00 the bite started to […]

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