Fishing in the rain today

Saturday Carmine and Bob braved the lousy weather to try to catch an albie on a fly. We started out as the clouds were building. Bob started the day with a couple of stripers. Albies were showing but not eating. We waited for a break and made our move. We picked at some bass until […]

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Worn out

I had the day off today so I thought it would be a good idea to see if I could still catch a fish or two. Left the dock and headed down to where the fish have been staying for the past week or so. After a bit I found some bass on the rocks […]

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What wind

Today Jeff, Sam & Dave wanted to spend the day fishing for albies. The weatherman guessed that we would have a little wind from the NW today. Not great but doable. We left the dock and headed east. The tide was headed West with a strong push from the wind. Watch Hill was unfishable so […]

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Striper Thumb Plus

Today Mark and Steve made the long and dangerous ride up Rt. 95 to try fishing on the north side of the sound. We headed out under heavy skies and a 20 mph wind. They said they could throw a fly and guess what they could. Shortly after we started fishing Mark put the first […]

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Another triple

Saturday Richard came back for a shot at his first albie. We left early and headed out to join the masses. While no albies showed we picked up a bass and blue pretty quickly. Moving on we finally found some albies that were up down and gone. After a bit we found some and picked […]

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A double trifecta

Thursday morning our longtime friend and angler Dr. Jim came down for another albie trip. He invited Gail to join us so the three of us headed out bright and early. We found albies and started our quest. Unfortunately they did not want to play. Even with great shots they just weren’t interested. None of […]

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Striper Thumb

Today Charlie and Fran came down from the wilds of upstate New York. We started out looking for a bass or two to put in the boat. The plan was good but not the fishing. We headed out to start the search and found the bass where I left them on Monday. We had a […]

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Monday morning brought Ian down for a first time trip with me. We stopped to get a chance at a bass or two on the way out. It took three casts to put the first fish in the boat. after a while we went in search of some albies. We found some but they were […]

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You never know

Saturday morning Dr. Jeff came up for a morning trip. Its been a while so it was good to catch up and catch fish. The forecast was for winds 25+ but Jeff said it was OK if it was a little sporty. We wanted to put a couple bass in the boat before we started […]

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Its started

Most of the people that read these reports know of Dr. Jim the albie king. Jim booked a trip today and invited Gail to join us because they both enjoy a day with albies. We left early and picked a bass from the rocks when I spotted a nice pod of albies not too far […]

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