British Invasion Day Four

What a difference a day makes. Today Simon and Dave returned for day two. We found some schoolie bass early and then took the long ride. There were scattered pods of different species in the area. Quickly we caught the first of a good bunch of Bonito. The tide slowed so we. Took a short […]

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Grinding one out

Today Peter and Paul were back for their second day of three. We started like yesterday but the fish had moved on. We picked a few off the beach but it was pretty quiet. We took a long ride to a couple of spots that I haven’t fished in a while. They weren’t there either. […]

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The switch was flipped

Monday brought Simon and Dave who also made the trip from the UK out for a day on the briney. We headed out and Simon landed a bass on his first cast That usually is the kiss of death but not today. We stayed inshore for a couple hours and had pretty steady action with […]

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Seas the day

Sunday brought Peter and Paul across the Atlantic from the UK. We left early and headed out to where the elusive bonito have been visiting. They were there for a short while until 15 of our close friends showed up. We caught two peanut bunker pretty quickly and then it was seas for the rest […]

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Friday Dr. Jeff and Frank came back for a day on the briney. We took a long ride and were rewarded with small pods of Bonito chasing bait. The guys doubled on their first casts with one fish coming on board we managed too put two more in the boat before the tide gave up. […]

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The other morning Gail and I went in search of the elusive Bonito. We found some fussy schools here and there. Gail managed two in the boat and I landed a Scup and a Sea Robin. Just to be clear the scup was huge. Almost big enough to keep. I should have known better.

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Good news bad news

Monday was a bit of a challenge. On Steve’s morning trip he managed to catch a couple of bonito casting in the blind. That afternoon I had Jim and his sons E1& E2. With our luck all we could find were albies. True to their form they wouldn’t eat anything that we had in the […]

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We are still here

It’s been a while since I put anything on here. The fishing hasn’t been stellar although my anglers have been. We had a couple of good days and others were unproductive. The bait is slowly trickling in and it’s starting to improve a bit. There are rumors of bonito being caught but neither Steve nor […]

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Fun day on the briney

Today brought Neville all the way from the UK for a little stop off on the way home. We left fairly early and after a hot tip that there were some scattered fish in the area we headed over. The first fish to come aboard was a chub mackerel. Our first of the year. A […]

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Sunday morning brought John and Chris down for their first trip with me. We left early and I had some expectations of catching fish. A bit after we started at our first spot Chris hooked up and 10 seconds later he had his tippet bitten through thanks to a local bluefish. Unfortunately that was the […]

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