Tuesday morning Gail and I hit our favorite shallow water spot only to find that the bass fro the previous day had left and were replaced by smaller versions. We tried various spots and found better fish in most places. We ended up with a pretty good bunch of fish. We have two more weeks […]
[Continue reading…]And so it continues
This morning Dr. Jeff took the short but treacherous drive up Rte. 95. We left the dock at dawn and for the rest of the morning he caught fish. Today it was an all bass day with far more hits than misses. We fished from two to twenty feet of water with mostly flies until […]
[Continue reading…]Update
I just received the OK to keep my boat in the water until the end of October. This has been the best striper year that we have had in 15 years, The best bonito year in the last ten years. The albies are starting to become more plentiful. The bluefish are not here in good […]
[Continue reading…]Double slam

Gail and I wanted to get out before this weeks nor’easter hits so we got up early and headed out. We stopped at my favorite shallow water bass spot for a bunch of stripers. The next stop produced more bass, bluefish several bonito and we topped that off with a handful of albies. There were […]
[Continue reading…]My turn to fish
Gail and I actually got up early today to have some fun on the water. We stopped at my favorite bass spots for some shallow water action. The bass were right where we left them. After a bit we got a call from a friend and we switched to albie mode. They were eating flies […]
[Continue reading…]Deja Wednesday
Wednesday brought Charlie and Sarah back for another go in the briny. The winds were down a little from yesterday but the waves were bigger. We started with bass and then moved on to more bass and then we found a lot of bass. More doubles than singles and no bluefish which I thought was […]
[Continue reading…]A bit sporty today

Today long time friend and angler Charlie brought his daughter Sarah out for her first trip with us in t5he salt. We left the dock with a steady 20mph wind with stronger gusts and soon decided that today was not going to be a fly rod day. We switched to spin gear and Albie Snax […]
[Continue reading…]Sunday
Yesterday Bill brought Jack and Adam out for their first chance at albies. Unfortunately the albies had other plans. We put on over 50 miles and the boys managed a bonito and a fluke. Both their firsts but not what we wanted. These guys cast all day and these were the only fish that we […]
[Continue reading…]Catching and catching up

I’ve been pretty busy on the boat and with recent computer issues I have been behind in my reports. We have been doing really well with stripers and blue fish. The bonito are still around and at times in good numbers. The albies are hit and miss. Two trips to Montauk were disappointing. Gail and […]
[Continue reading…]Grand Slam (the real kind)
Saturday David and Peter met me at the dock before the sun popped up. I wanted to pick up a few bass or blues before we went looking. I’m tired so I’ll make this short. The waves were four to five feet and larger in the rips. The wind was a steady 20mph from the […]
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