We headed out 5his morning to see how much damage the swells from the hurricane had done along the oceanfront. The bonito had started to show up before the storm. We got half way down the beach before we gave up. Lots of mud around and they don’t like mud. Most likely it will be a few days before it cleans up. We left there in search of clean water and came across several schools of nice sized bass. I think these were the guys that have been on the reefs lately. They were hitting flies like they were starving. A good day on the briney.
It’s that time of the year
We took a long ride today on a scouting mission. We received a phone call with some good intel so we headed out. Half way there we found our own fish of the hard tail variety. As usual they didn’t want to stay and play so we kept going. Our destination was pretty bare with a brisk east wind and an outgoing tide. We turned around and found three more pods on the way home. They were all one and done but nice to see. Once the tide slows a bit and the wind changes direction we should get better results. If the hurricanes leave us alone. Stay tuned.
On the water again

After having fun with Covid and dealing with the after effects we made it back on the water today. Jim brought his son Lyman out again for some fun with bass. We headed out with flat seas and clear skies. We found a little activity and soon after Jim landed a nice bass. Not to be outdone Lyman followed with one of his own. This was repeated until we lost the tide. Right at the end Jim brought in a eight pound bluefish. That proved the smallest fish of the trip. Apparently the smaller fish have departed and were replaced by these guys. In the past few days we had unconfirmed reports of bonito so we had to take a look today. Maybe soon but not today.
Another First

Today Keith brought his sons out for a morning of bass fishing. We left the dock and headed out to our first stop. The first part of this report is that we stayed in that spot for four hours. There wasn’t a lot showing but the guys started picking them off. We had at least seven or eight doubles and it was a steady bite all morning. I even got in on the action while I was dealing with a birds nest a bass took the lure and ran with it. I had no choice but to reel it in. Lots of fun and laughs on the briney today.
Getting back to it.
It’s been a very quiet two weeks for us. No thanks to the lady at the Orthopedic Drs. Office. In a crowed waiting room it seemed like she was trying to cough up a lung. Two days later we started with symptoms and two days after that we both tested positive for Covid. After a round of anti virals we are now testing negative. A little weak and tired but getting stronger every day. We will be hitting the briny in the next day or so. Stay tuned.

Nick and Eric left the north country to check out the local bass fishing. We left and headed out to find the water was the color of black coffee. We managed one fish where they should have been. We left there after a bit to look for some clean water. We found the clean and some fish. At our final stop I told the guys it was my favorite place but had not caught a fish there yet this year. I can’t say that anymore. Lots of fun out there.
Saturday part two

After this mornings trip I had the pleasure of taking our granddaughter Avery and her buddy Aubrey out for a chance at a striper. They had never caught one so the pressure was on. The place that held fish earlier was empty so we went for plan B. With a strong outgoing tide the rips were a bit dicey. Avery had a hit and with a little help from dad she landed a nice bluefish. It was good but not a striper. A few minutes later she struck again and landed her first striper. Aubrey tried valiantly but was unsuccessful this time. By this time the rip was too big to stay safe so we called it a day.
Saturday Morning

Today John brought his dad Ralph and friend Steve out for the elusive striped bass. We left the dock on the early side to find no wind or fog. Our first stop proved to be a good one. All three guys could throw a fly and it took Ralph three casts to put one in the boat. Not to shabby for 83 years young. They set up a rotation and they managed a handful of bass apiece. We lost the tide and moved in a bit and landed a few bluefish just because we could. Lots of fun today.
Albie time

That’s right only nine more weeks to go. In the meantime I took a rare solo trip Friday to try a new fly pattern for the fussy fish. It took two stops to find them and they liked what I was offering. Nice sized schoolies to about eight pounds. After the first two or three fish two boats decided to be my best friends. That didn’t work out particularly well. I stayed and caught until I had enough and called it a morning.
Afternoon Delight
I picked up Jim and his son Teagan at Watch Hill at the crack of 2:00PM and headed out to our first spot. We didn’t get real far when we came across a few bass chasing silversides. It took Jim three casts to put one in the boat. After another fish we headed out to the good spot. Well that one and the next two were devoid of anything that swims. I had a feeling about another area that had been producing on the other tide. We arrived there to find bass scattered for a hundred yards. They were from the smart school and were a bit on the picky side. We tried a few different offerings and the guys managed a handful apiece including one double on flies and spin gear. A good way to spend an afternoon.