Grand Slam

I took a solo trip this morning to search for the ever elusive bonito. The bass bite has been really good early mornings so I beat the sun leaving the dock today. The bas co operated and I caught a bunch before moving on. I passed a school of chub mackerel and picked up one on the way to bonito city. I arrived where I wanted to be and found several pods of bones raising havoc with the bait fish. I made a great shot and hooked up almost immediately and I dropped it 10 seconds later. This was to be repeated may times this morning. I switched to circle hooks with the same results. Finally I threw into a pod of bones hooked up and brought the fish to the boat only to find out it was a bluefish. I was probably lucky to be alone today because things were starting to get ugly on board. I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and soon landed two bones for the slam. The tide changed and a bass blitz started that was bigger than anything that I have seen on this side of the sound. Part of it broke off and I took this pic at noontime. Tomorrow is another day.