Today Mark and Steve made the long and dangerous ride up Rt. 95 to try fishing on the north side of the sound. We headed out under heavy skies and a 20 mph wind. They said they could throw a fly and guess what they could. Shortly after we started fishing Mark put the first albie in the boat and that was followed by a few bass between both guys. The short bite died and I decided to take a chance and go looking for fish. The seas were two to three ft. and the wind was still blowing pretty good. After a bit we spotted some working birds and soon after Steve put an albie in the boat. We started blind casting and that was how we caught a handful of albies today. We didn’t get one to eat while they were up but they hung around and so did we. In between albies we had several schools of stripers in the neighborhood and they would eat on top. I lost count of the doubles and have no idea how many fish we landed today. A good time was had by all.
Striper Thumb Plus
October 7, 2018 By