Our friends Simon and David from across the pond have returned to spend some time in the boat with us. They missed the past two years because of the pandemic but are now back in business. Both guys can throw a good fly and are just as good with a spin rod. The wind was […]
[Continue reading…]A Busy Week
This past week we had the pleasure of having the Michigan Fly Fishing Club spend five days with us. It was their second year coming East. We ran the gamut from normal days to flat calm and winds gusting to 30 mph. We would have fished in the rain but got to the dock just […]
[Continue reading…]A first for us
Friday Jim brought Doug out for his first saltwater trip. We left in the dark and were able to see a pretty cool sunrise. There weren’t enough fish to keep us at our first stop so we kept moving. The guys were throwing Albie Snax lures and when we found a school of chub mackeral […]
[Continue reading…]We’re still here
Its been quite a while since i posted anything. A few people contacted me to see if everything was ok. we are doing pretty well so here is the recap from the past few weeks. When the temp is in the 90 s and there is no breeze sitting in a boat is like sitting […]
[Continue reading…]Today was the day

This morning Ricco brought his sons plus friend out for a shot at some stripers. We left with the sun and the first two spots that I wanted to fish had three boats in each one so we had to go to plan B. One of the boys hooked this bass right off the bat. […]
[Continue reading…]Extremes

Today brought Thomas and David all the way from Chicago to try for the sometimes elusive striped bass we left early and soon found ourselves in the middle of a fog bank. The visibility was about 50 yards and the radar screen showed a half dozen boats where I wanted to fish. We found our […]
[Continue reading…]Even an old guy can catch one

Gail and I headed out this morning at the crack of 8:00 AM. We were a little early for the tide that i wanted so we did a little prospecting. We found a swarm of bass and picked away on the outside of them using spin rods and Albie Snax . We got a few […]
[Continue reading…]Foggy Sunday

Today Kieth brought his sons out for a shot at some stripers. You couldn’t see my boat from the parking lot so we knew it would be a challenge Shortly after we arrived at the secret spot Blake struck first with a healthy striper. Before we could land that one Parker hooked the fish of […]
[Continue reading…]Old School

Today Ralph brought out Mike for the annual father son fishing trip. Based on yesterdays trip I decided to skip the swarms and try a different are. We picked up a few fish fairly quickly and that continued for the next few stops. Today the guys caught several fish that were in the slot limits. […]
[Continue reading…]Dr. Jim strikes again

We had our first charter of the season today and it was none other than the infamous Dr. Jim . Jim has been fishing with me for over 20 years now and its always a good time . we started early and found the bass bunched up in the usual places. They are currently feeding […]
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